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39 Sold 194 People Watched
Company: Vantage
Category: Pesticides --> Weedicides / Herbicide
Active Ingredient: Lectofen 24%Ec
Pack Size: 300ML
Delivery Charges in Pakistan: Free (No Charges)
Delivery Charges in Other Countries: *Charges will Apply
Actual Price: Rs. 1185.00
1st Purchase Discount: Rs. 15.00
Sale Price: Rs. 1170.00
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lectofen 24ec conquest vantage chemicals 300ml herbicide peanuts and beans
brand name: conquest
active ingeridients: lectofen 24% ec
formulation: 24% ec
target crop: cotton, sunflower, potato, mungbeen, peanut crop etc
the lectofen 24ec conquest vantage chemicals 300ml herbicide peanuts and beans is a product of vantage. the category is pesticides and subcategory is weedicides / herbicide
lectofen 24ec conquest vantage chemicals 300ml herbicide peanuts and beans
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