1 Ratings
71 Sold 39338 People Watched
Company: Swat Agro Chemicals
Category: Pesticides --> Insecticides
Active Ingredient: Acetamiprid 20% SP
Pack Size: 250gm
Delivery Charges in Pakistan: Free (No Charges)
Delivery Charges in Other Countries: *Charges will Apply
Actual Price: Rs. 945.00
1st Purchase Discount: Rs. 15.00
Sale Price: Rs. 930.00
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acetamiprid 20% sp 250gm insecticide swat agro chemicals
the acetamiprid 20% sp 250gm insecticide swat agro chemicals is a product of swat agro chemicals. the category is pesticides and subcategory is insecticides
acetamiprid 20% sp 250gm insecticide swat agro chemicals
1 Ratings
Ahmad Sher - 09 Jul 2023
According to my recommendation this product was very good and took a quick action against insects etc