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Company: Global Products
Category: Fertilizers --> Bio Fertilizer ( Organic Fertilizers )
Active Ingredient: Active ingredient: Trichoderma asperelloides (strain JM41R) Aktiewe bestanddeel: 2 x 109 spores / gram
Pack Size: 500 GM
Delivery Charges in Pakistan: Free (No Charges)
Delivery Charges in Other Countries: *Charges will Apply
Actual Price: Rs. 1650.00
1st Purchase Discount: Rs. 15.00
Sale Price: Rs. 1635.00
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TrichoPlus 500GM (a part of 20kg pack) A fungal inoculant for the control of crop root diseases and for enhanced plant growth. Active ingredient: Trichoderma asperelloides (strain JM41R) Aktiewe bestanddeel: 2 x 109 spores / gram BASF
Active ingredient: Trichoderma asperelloides (strain JM41R) Aktiewe bestanddeel: 2 x 109 spores / gram
In programme applications TrichoPlus®
is compatible with the following pesticides:
Fungicides Insecticides Nematicides
fosetyl-Al imidacloprid fenamiphos
metalaxyl fipronil fosthiazate
propamocarb furfural
In programme applications TrichoPlus®
is compatible with the following pesticides:
Fungicides Insecticides Nematicides
fosetyl-Al imidacloprid fenamiphos
metalaxyl fipronil fosthiazate
propamocarb furfural
Application by hand:
• Pre-mix product as described and apply to relevant crop as a drench.
• Apply as a drench to seedling trays or seedbeds after planting.
• Apply at a rate of 1 l / 3 speedling trays (128 planting holes) or 1 m2
seedbed area.
• For dispensing the correct dosage to plants use watering cans or cups, etc.
Application through commercial spray equipment:
• Pre-irrigate the area to be treated to ensure moist conditions.
• Pre-mix product as described.
• Fill the spray tank with half the required water volume and start agitator mechanism.
• Add the required pre-mix suspension to the spray tank and top up to final water volume.
• Apply as a high volume application at a rate of 1000 - 1500 l spray mixture / ha.
• Irrigate 15 - 20 mm directly after application, to wash the product into the root zone.
Application through irrigation system:
• Mix product as described and apply to relevant crop through the irrigation system, e.g. dripand micro irrigation, overhead sprinklers and pivots.
• The suspension will pass through a 100 micron or larger filter, but must be applied after the
sand filter.
• Ensure that filters are clean and that the drippers or micro’s are functional before treatment.
• Pre-irrigate the area to be treated, to ensure moist conditions.
• The mixture should be diluted with sufficient water and allow at least 40 minutes for even
distribution of the product through the irrigation system.
• Irrigate 15 - 20 mm directly after application to wash the product into the root zone.
Application by hand:
• Pre-mix product as described and apply to relevant crop as a drench.
• Apply as a drench to seedling trays or seedbeds after planting.
• Apply at a rate of 1 l / 3 speedling trays (128 planting holes) or 1 m2
seedbed area.
• For dispensing the correct dosage to plants use watering cans or cups, etc.
Application through commercial spray equipment:
• Pre-irrigate the area to be treated to ensure moist conditions.
• Pre-mix product as described.
• Fill the spray tank with half the required water volume and start agitator mechanism.
• Add the required pre-mix suspension to the spray tank and top up to final water volume.
• Apply as a high volume application at a rate of 1000 - 1500 l spray mixture / ha.
• Irrigate 15 - 20 mm directly after application, to wash the product into the root zone.
Application through irrigation system:
• Mix product as described and apply to relevant crop through the irrigation system, e.g. dripand micro irrigation, overhead sprinklers and pivots.
• The suspension will pass through a 100 micron or larger filter, but must be applied after the
sand filter.
• Ensure that filters are clean and that the drippers or micro’s are functional before treatment.
• Pre-irrigate the area to be treated, to ensure moist conditions.
• The mixture should be diluted with sufficient water and allow at least 40 minutes for even
distribution of the product through the irrigation system.
• Irrigate 15 - 20 mm directly after application to wash the product into the root zone.
The TrichoPlus 500GM (a part of 20kg pack) A fungal inoculant for the control of crop root diseases and for enhanced plant growth. Active ingredient: Trichoderma asperelloides (strain JM41R) Aktiewe bestanddeel: 2 x 109 spores / gram BASF is a product of Global Products. The Category is Fertilizers and Subcategory is Bio Fertilizer ( Organic Fertilizers )TrichoPlus 500GM (a part of 20kg pack) A fungal inoculant for the control of crop root diseases and for enhanced plant growth. Active ingredient: Trichoderma asperelloides (strain JM41R) Aktiewe bestanddeel: 2 x 109 spores / gram BASF
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