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Asochyta blight


  • Brown or gray spots on leaves surrounded by a red halo; 
  • Elongated red-purple cankers on stems cause the wilting and death of leaves above.


  • No fungicides are currently registered for use in cotton.
  • Plough the crop debris into the soil after harvest.
  • Crop rotation has little to no effect on control of the disease.

Chemical Control

Always consider an integrated approach with preventive measures and biological treatments if available. Seeds may be treated with a seed dressing based on thiram or thiram + thiabendazole before sowing. Preventive foliar fungicides based on Chlorothalonil can be used, especially if a susceptible variety is grown. Once the disease is detected, a rotation of foliar fungicides with a systemic mode of action are recommended ( Boscalid , Mencozeb , Pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad). Treatments may need to be applied throughout the growing season to avoid serious yield losses.